Myth #1. When your dog looks grown up, he is.
Truth- No matter how big he is, or how mature his behavior, your puppy is still a puppy until he’s at least a year old. Large-breed dogs are growing puppies for close to two years.
Myth #2. Neutering your dog will negatively affect his personality.
Truth- If your dog has always been an outgoing, fun-loving, playful dog, neutering won’t change that all. If he is a little reactive with other dogs or roams the neighborhood, neutering may make him a bit gentler and more inclined to stay home.
Myth #3. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Truth- The biggest challenge in training an older dog is helping them unlearn old behaviors. If you combine patience with sound and treat training, you’ll soon have a talented and well-trained little pal.
Myth #4. Dogs need variety in the food they eat.
Truth- Your dog thrives on routine. Changing diet frequently and rapidly will do him more harm than good.
Myth #5. Obedience training is only for problem dogs.
Truth- Yes, obedience training can help with some unacceptable behaviors, but wouldn’t it be better if those behaviors never had a chance to develop? In addition, obedience training can strengthen the bond between you and your dog and help you enjoy each other’s company even more so!
Myth #6. Dogs need supplements in their diets.
Truth- If they are eating a high quality, nutritionally balanced diet, they will do fine. If you have questions, ask your veterinarian.
Myth #7. Dogs who spend the day in the yard get plenty of exercise.
Truth- Dogs are pack animals — they are not good at running or playing when they are alone. Exercise is an important part of your dog’s health. It’s up to you to be sure he gets it.
Myth #8. Dogs do destructive things to get even with you.
Truth- Don’t project your emotions on your dog. Most behaviors that drive you crazy are normal for a dog and begin when he is bored, tired, sick or lonely.
Myth #9. It’s natural for your dog to have bad breath.
Truth- It isn’t. Bad breath is often, an indication of dental or health trouble.
Myth #10. It’s okay for dogs to be a little plump.
Truth- Excess weight in dogs can be associated with heart, respiratory and blood-sugar level problem, skeletal distress and gastrointestinal disorders. Don’t feed your dog table scraps, and make sure he gets plenty of exercise
The post 10 Doggy Man-Made Myths appeared first on Town and Country Animal Hospital.